Terminator, The Exorcist III, and the Evolution of the Jump Scare
Magic relies on misdirection. Watch my left hand as my right adds another ace to the deck. Focus on my voice while I stuff this rabbit into my hat. Look at this buxom blonde “assistant” I picked up outside as I sneak off backstage and “disappear.” Etc., etc.. James Cameron achieves a similar effect in this iconic scene from Terminator . The insert shots of the cop filling out paperwork are there to distract you until it’s too late and Schwarzenegger’s driving a car through the front window--a pyrotechnic prelude to the massacre to come. Cameron deprives the audience of crucial information, making it nearly impossible for you, the viewer, to accurately anticipate what is going to happen next. The nearly five minute long nurse station scene from The Exorcist III operates on the exact opposite principle. William Peter Blatty provides you with altogether too much information. Will the Gemini Killer jump out from behind that desk...