Quentin Tarantino, Hotline Miami, and Stylized Violence

1. "Because it's so much fun, Jan, get it!" Watch enough interviews with Quentin Tarantino on YouTube and you will inevitably wind up with this clip from his 2003 appearance on KRON 4 in your recommended tab. For the three of you reading this who haven't seen it and don't particularly care to, it's a publicity piece gone bad. Jan Wahl, critic for KRON-TV and various San Francisco based newspapers, antagonizes Tarantino until he snaps, dredging up every talking point about preserving children's innocence along the way. After some quibbling back and forth between the two about whether or not the film empowers women, Wahl asks, "Why the need for so much gruesome, graphic violence?" To which an exasperated Tarantino responds, "Because it's so much fun, Jan, get it!" What follows is a conversation that has been had and had and had again since Moe first slapped Curly. "I'd like to see you get attacked by some kids who had just...